Rabbits have mad skillz.
In order to catch a rabbit, you must hide behind a tree and make a noise like a carrot.
As if this picture is this big

Friday, 29 April 2011
Tuesday, 26 April 2011
American Pizza Slice

The joy of facebook, means we can easily recommend things.One of my bf's chums had posted a picture of a 18 inch pizza. Not only was it massive, but you got to choose different toppings on every slice. Almost mythical, was this the perfect sharing pizza? Or was there far to many decisions to be made?
I thought it was fantastic, but needed a special occasion for such a mythical thing. Two weeks have gone by and we have found the occasion Jersey Shore finale baby.
A meal totally worthy of Pauly D and Vinny. Not only that but it offers cream soda's as drinks. Madness.
Now for the big decision what toppings are we going to have, which we all have to be present for.
Waiting for Andrew to come home from football, before we even open up the website.
The boys both get three slices and as I eat like a wimp i get two.
First Slice
Stuwy: American hot
Me : Philly cheese steak pizza
Second Slice
Stuwy: Spiced chicken
Andrew : Fish
Third Slice
Stuwy: American Hot
Me : Med veg with Goats cheese
Stuwy:Salami and Sweet Onion
Andrew: American Hot
And 3 Cheesy Garlic Breads to start.
American Pizza slice is the way forward.
It was totally delicious and waiting until 10 eat it was well worth the wait.
Unfortunatly we realised there is another episode next week. Pizza time again.
Wednesday, 30 March 2011
Pray for Japan (with music)

With the heartbreak being felt across Japan, it is no wonder that everyone is trying to do their best to help in any way they can. It is quite something the efforts that have been put in place throughout the world, with people happily thinking up creative ways to fund raise.
What i find even more lovely is Japanese Record Label Rallye producing a compilation album entitled Pray for Japan (with music) Volumne 1. Even though their own lives have been turned around by the devastation in their country they remain positive and an inspiration.
I hope everyone buys the album. It is not only lovely music but ALL proceeds go to the Japan Relief project.
Here is the link
Artists include, One day diary, Eberg,cassette culture,Kowalski,CALLmeKAT, Old arc,New buffalo,Guther and many more
Here are a couple of the gems
So go on itunes and treat yourself.
Monday, 28 March 2011
Pacey and Joey 4eva

Growing up Dawson’s Creek had a greater effect than any literature and any film. It is essentially about love. Before the days of Gossip girl, One tree hill, The OC. It wasn’t about rich kids it was a group of average kids growing up together, I suppose it helped that they were of similar age to me. None of them were popular kids, they used vocabulary far beyond reality.
At 12o’clock every Sunday I was glued to the TV. I had one problem I hated the lead role, i hated his personality, his clothes, the size of his forehead, his voice, how the actor was obviously far older than the character he was portraying and the high possibility that he would in fact win the girl (Joey). This was my biggest issue, the show made me into a romantic, by the end of the first season, I had made my mind up Dawson did not deserve Joey. As often as it was reinforced that they were “soul mates”, them getting together wasn’t going to be romantic passionate or impulsive. If everyone got together with their childhood friend or next door neighbour life would be so boring so unromantic and so predictable.
My favourite moment ever on TV is when Pacey buys Joey the wall, before they have kissed, before he even believes he has a chance.
It is the most romantic gesture that i believe exists. Till this day i don’t know anything that tops it. I was reading a fan forum to see who people wanted Joey to choose and it had Top Joey and Pacey moments and Top Joey and Dawson moments. Dawson and Joey moments where mostly un requited love, moments of things not happening and long conversations about feelings.
Joey and Pacey moments are passionate, sexy, flirtatious and more realistic. Undoubtedly part of the reason would probably be down to the fact that they dated in real life both citing they were each others first loves and the chemistry shone through.
I have recently bought the full box set and have started watching it over again, not quite knowing what is going to happen and not ever wanting to switch it off.
Some things i noted ·
-They were richer than i remembered. ·
-Their fashion sense was terrible ·
-Joey is pretty, but Jen is prettier ·
-Pacey wasn’t handsome and had terrible shirts ·
-Dawson was more self centered than you could imagine ·
-Eve didn’t take Dawson’s virginity
-Jen was never really that rebellious ·
-Jack and Jen are nearly as good a couple as Joey and Pacey
-As soon as Audrey became depressed she also became a goth
-Every boy falls in love with Joey
-The soundtrack is immense
Whether it is because it was old memories or that it is infact the best teenage drama around.I urge everyone to watch it, the boxset will fulfill plenty of lonely nights and if you are a sop even better.
dawson's creek,
Joey Potter,
True Love
Wednesday, 16 March 2011
I Love Beef Welly

Rain hair, pretty dress
8. Add the onion mixture to the pate and mix evenly.
9. Spread the pate on to the rolled out pastry, quite thickly and evenly.
10. Place the fillet on and fold up edges so it covers it nice and neatly
11. Whisk the egg and paint the pastry and place on baking sheet seams to the bottom
12. Bake for 40mins until the pastry has nicely puffed up.
13. Leave to stand and serve with some green beans and gravy.
My boyfriend and I fancy ourselves as chef's always trying to compete with Great British Menu and Master Chef. We have so far mastered Victoria sponge (tasted like egg) Thai Curry's (with out using bought pastes), Salmon teriaki, Duck a la Fanta (If Nigella could do it with coke and ham:)), duck five spice, treacle tart, french onion soup Lancashire hotpot, Fish Pie and our specialty a Banging chicken pie!
For a special romantic meal recently and while my mum was offering to buy us a beef fillet be decided to go for a Beef Wellington. The food of kings. We have gone to cook it before many times, but between having temperamental student flat ovens and the hefty price to buy all the ingredients separately we have never got round to it.
Looking at recipes, we didn't want mushroom's. Mushroom's are vile. It was apparent lots of people had a similar dilemma, but it was hard to find a recipe without it, so being the nifty chef's we are we decided to wing it.
Pink in the middle
Here is our recipe
800g Beef fillet
100ml dry white wine
100ml dry white wine
100g shallots
500g Just roll puff pastry
1 Onion
25g butter
2 garlic cloves
100g Liver pate
1 sprig of thyme
1 egg
1. Start by heating the oven 220c
2. Season and rub the fillet in Olive oil and place on baking tray for 18mins or 24mins if you want it medium/well
3. Allow the beef to cool while you start the rest of the prep
4. Chop up the onion and shallots very finely and cook in the heated butter, when soft add the garlic, thyme and season.
5. Add the white wine to the onions and heat until all the wine disappears.
6. remove from heat and allow to cool down (until it is cool enough to touch)
7. While you are waiting dust some flour on a clean surface and roll out the pastry big enough to cover the whole fillet
8. Add the onion mixture to the pate and mix evenly.
9. Spread the pate on to the rolled out pastry, quite thickly and evenly.
10. Place the fillet on and fold up edges so it covers it nice and neatly
11. Whisk the egg and paint the pastry and place on baking sheet seams to the bottom
12. Bake for 40mins until the pastry has nicely puffed up.
13. Leave to stand and serve with some green beans and gravy.
Table all set up.
Friday, 11 March 2011
Zara's pretty this summer.

Zara have hit the mark again with this season's collection. You can spend alot or spend a little and look fabulous.
I havn't seen anything similiar to the Peek a boo dress at the top, you could wear it to a business meeting or out shopping.
I am loving the girly dresses with the puffed out skirts, all over the high street at the moment but these are two of my fav's.
The scarf is great as it will add a dash of colour without being to too harsh.
The scarf is great as it will add a dash of colour without being to too harsh.
Nothing more comforting that a real leather handbag and the smell of leather when you first buy it.
Good job Zara.
Thursday, 10 March 2011
Gnome Collection Spring 2011
Gotta love gnomes....
Best cake ever made by Big Z and Tori :)
Alistair my first ever gnome stolen/found by myself and my best friend Gilly.
Noam- Paint your own gnome 21st Birthday Present from Stuart

Monday, 7 March 2011
Matt Corby

Anyway he sent me a youtube link, and i whammed it on, mainly to be polite knowing that the questions "S0 what do you think?"would follow soon after. My first response was "As if he was in Aussie idol" Bearing in mind that it was "My false" live that he sent me

Having looked around the internet, I am very glad he has taken this musical direction. Yes Australian idol is a bit cheesy and google images has a whole array of photos of Matt to prove this. He could easily have released pop love ballads and have made millions by now.
He choose his Music and what a marvellous thing that is. Every single one of the song i have listened too have been beautiful and made me a little more annoyed I haven't seen him in concert.
Matt recently did Communion gigs in Belfast and Dublin, with Kowalski and from what i've heard I really did miss out.
All Matt's current songs are available on itunes and some new stuff should be in the pipeline later this year.
Friday, 4 March 2011
This dress makes me happy

Never know how to pose infront of the mirror(awkward), if my mum see's this she will say "why were your feet turned in" I will learn one day!
James Monro Liverpool

We were in the mood for some English food so searched around the internet to see if there was any bargains to be had and we found they not only had good reviews but had an early bird menu. £13.95 for two course-Bingo.
We arrived just after 18.30 but they still let us use the early bird menu, which was very nice of them. It was lovely service throughout with waitress recommending wine and the best dishes.
Stu being a sucker for sausages went for the home made James Monro sausage and mash, it was really nice, although the portion was enormous.
I went for the grilled hake, which again was quite a big portion and im afraid quite dry, like it had been left on the hot plate a bit too long. From the reviews i read maybe the chef was just having an off night, or rushed our dishes so he could start the a la carte service.
Had a lovely night none the less and may try it out again.
Maria singing with Gaga
I'm not unusally a fan of the whole kids singing phenomen however.... this liitle girl Maria Aragon is hugely talented she plays guitar, piano and sings beautifully all at 10 years old!
I quite honeslty admit i do not have a musically bone in my body. Singing happy birthday even comes as a challenge to me. I realised at about 10 (the same age as Maria is now) when i failed to get a part in the school chorus. I was always hugely envious of anyone who can sing, years on i learnt to appreciate it more, becoming putty in the hands to anyone who would sing to me.
Maria is so fantastic because she is so sweet.
As the story goes, she has done numerous current pop songs and uploaded her videos on to youtube most of which have had huge popularity, then did a cover of Lady Gaga's Born This Way and has over 17 million hits. Gaga heard about this "little monster" and asked her to come and perform.
I honestly think this is Gaga's best performance, it is so touching with no gimic's, i doubt many other mainstream artists would be able to sing like that with a 10 year old on their lap and jointly play the piano. Lovely.
If you like Maria check out her version of Jessie J's price tag http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-i_xPiiOLEI&feature=related hundred times better than the real thing.
It's upsetting that Maria will probably miss out on a childhood now, she is a huge talent, i only hope her parents realise she will still be a huge talent in 4/5 years time.

I quite honeslty admit i do not have a musically bone in my body. Singing happy birthday even comes as a challenge to me. I realised at about 10 (the same age as Maria is now) when i failed to get a part in the school chorus. I was always hugely envious of anyone who can sing, years on i learnt to appreciate it more, becoming putty in the hands to anyone who would sing to me.
Maria is so fantastic because she is so sweet.
As the story goes, she has done numerous current pop songs and uploaded her videos on to youtube most of which have had huge popularity, then did a cover of Lady Gaga's Born This Way and has over 17 million hits. Gaga heard about this "little monster" and asked her to come and perform.

I honestly think this is Gaga's best performance, it is so touching with no gimic's, i doubt many other mainstream artists would be able to sing like that with a 10 year old on their lap and jointly play the piano. Lovely.
If you like Maria check out her version of Jessie J's price tag http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-i_xPiiOLEI&feature=related hundred times better than the real thing.
It's upsetting that Maria will probably miss out on a childhood now, she is a huge talent, i only hope her parents realise she will still be a huge talent in 4/5 years time.
Thursday, 3 March 2011
Piranha Pedicure

My Friend Kath and i decided a little pampering was in order, so we dived straight into the latest craze. I had read a lot about Piranha Pedicures, most articles written by London journo's and paid avg £45 for the experience. This one cost us £10 for 15mins, perhaps coming with less frills.
Hadn't scrubbed my feet for a while so expecting super soft feet was maybe a tad ambitious. When we arrived at Appy feet we had to fill in a questionnaire about are skins condition, all pretty simple questions. After about a five minute wait we were given a towel an brought over to our tanks.
Seeing how small the fish are makes you feel quite silly about hesitating to get your feet in. After numerous feet dips and taking them out straight away finally i held them in. To say it was tickly is an understatement.
Trying to look calm when you have an audience of passers by watching you and asking you what it feels like was difficult. After a couple of minutes it stops tickling. At no point would i say it was particularly relaxing. It was however effective, my feet felt wonderful afterwards, really soft and you could tell after a second go you would have baby soft feet.
I don't think i am quite ready for the second go.
I have been recommending it to friends because it is a good experience as well as getting soft feet.
Experience but not an enjoyable one, give it a go and tell me what you think.
I want these.

Beach Scene Dress £17 Primark
Nude Patent Satchel £32 Topshop
Pastel pleated midi dress £17 Primark
Boat dress £36 Topshop
Weave wedges £45 Miss Selfridge
How fantastic is it when shops get in new seasons clothes? Unfortunately the weather isn't quite ready for it yet, but i sure am.
I am loving the fact pastels and nudes are in again this summer, as a pale person's dream.
I have selected my wish list to get the new season wardrobe started, none of which will break the bank. All will look fabulous day or night depending on how you accessorize.
Wednesday, 2 March 2011
Chaba Chaba
Chaba Chaba is my favourite restaurant in the world, every meal is delicious. I have tried to choose a different meal each time i go there and everything so far has been beautiful. The meat platter for starter is heavenly, I can quite honestly say the prawn toast melts in your mouth.
One of the first meals i had there was the Beef pangang (well the boyfriend ordered it and when it arrived i insisted we should share our meals). I find it almost impossible not to order it each time. The coconut rice as a side compliments the heat of the chillis.
The staff are lovely, the service is great. My photos don't do it justice!
Chaba Chaba is on Allerton road and well worth the visit. http://www.chabachaba.co.uk/
Cup Glasgow

On a recent visit to Glasgow to see my bestfriend we decided to go for afternoon tea. I was very excited about this as when i was in London prices ranged from £25 upwards. This was £12.95 a head and well worth it.
Bottom row: Cucumber , salmon with creqam cheese and egg watercress sandwiches.
Middle row: Apple and cinnamon scones (the nicest scones i have ever tasted in my life)
Top row: Fruit cake, mini cheesecake and a strawberrry and after eight cupakes.
To top it off it came with a pot of tea and a timer, which went of when the tea was at its best.
Such a lovely experience, a great way to spend an afternoon and our doggy bag provided snacks for the rest of the evening!
Thursday, 24 February 2011

Ever had a whoopie? I hadn't but standing in front of Harrod's patisserie with a exceptional selection i drew a blank. What would be most tasty for me and the boyfriend to snack on, for the train home? Do i go for something i know or these colouful sweet looking treats?
After eating them i still don't quite know what they are i would say similar to a butterfly cake, or a cupcake with twice the icing, but with a heavier cake. Either way i thought i was buying a macaroon.
Can honestly say they are the sweetest thing i have ever experienced.
One bite in and i felt like i was on Man Vs Food..... the food won.

Pretty much everyone i know enjoys sitting down with a good cuppa. Lots of people tend to have their favourite type of tea perhaps more based on habit. I personally feel its down to the water its made from as much as the tea.
I used to swear by Yorkshire tea, then i moved house and it was suddenly more woody than i liked.
At the moment my top five preferences would be
1. PG Tips (sadly i only started drinking this because of the free monkey)
2. Marks and Spencers Gold Label
3. Punjana ( reminds me of home =super comforting)
4. Mr Scruffs (delicious but expensive)
5. Clipper
What sort of tea is everyone drinking? Is there an in type in missing out on?
Cupcakes Nomnomnom!

I have an obsession with tea and cupcakes, i love tea and i love the prettiness of cupcakes. I have always wanted my own tea shop, so i guess its more research than indulgence.
I have come to realise that to find a good cuppa is hard but the perfect cupcake is even harder.
I have put together my top picks, including a rather embarrassing attempt i made for a charity event at work.

Coffee cupcake and Peanut Butter, Ella's Bakehouse, Covent Garden, (My favourite)
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