I remember watching a documentry about 5 years ago starring no other than Peaches Geldolf,(Peaches Geldof: Teenage Mind in 2005) . A young journalist in the making, working hard to gain respect and show people she deserved the job. Her father may have got her the job, but overall i felt it was quite a compelling documentary, it addressed underage drinking and teenagers being out of control, she related to them and appeared shocked by her findings.
I had respect for her.
A year later was a different story and 5 years is dramatically adverse.
When i read a story about Peaches or her sister Pixie, i get a little angry.
Do people really look up to these girls? Are magazines like Tatler , Vogue,Nylon really saying these girls are British Fashion icons?Worthy of front covers? Posting nude pictures on the internet, alleged drugs binges and wearing clothes that are both unflattering and a copies of their late mothers style. Pixie fashion comes from a punk perspective, ironic she rocks a working class look on a disposable income.
Peaches works a indie kid trend and i generally like most of her clothes, but walking around the Northern Quarter in Manchester i could find better dressed people.
I see people on a daily basis that would be more worthy models than these sisters.People who would take the job serioulsly
I'm 50 % jealous they are given everything on a plate and don't appreciate it.
The rest of me has no respect for them at all.